Softway Medical Group's CSR approach

Eco-friendly headquarters

We are making every effort to reduce our carbon footprint related to travel.

We are electrifying our vehicle fleet and encouraging our employees to carpool through a dedicated platform. Additionally, we promote sustainable mobility by reimbursing bicycle mileage allowances and covering 100% of public transport subscriptions.

Environmental awareness

We organise regular training sessions and in-house awareness campaigns to encourage our employees to follow environmentally-responsible practices.

One example is the digital cleanup challenge, aimed at minimising the environmental footprint of our computing resources.

Reducing emissions

We minimise air travel as much as possible, encouraging employees to opt for train travel whenever feasible.

We are in the process of switching our fleet to electric vehicles, and we promote carpooling through a special platform designed for the purpose. We also support non-motorised transport options by paying bicycle mileage allowances.

Regular initiatives

Softway Medical Group actively supports numerous charity initiatives, including Movember and Pink October.

We encourage our employees to participate in charitable activities, such as collecting unwanted toys.

We organize multiple blood donation campaigns at our premises every year. We prioritise the mental health of our employees by offering them free access to psychological counselling.

Commitment to health and well-being

Softway Medical Group adheres to the highest data security standards and develops solutions for responsible medical practices.

Actively participating in the digitalisation of healthcare, we are switching to digital documentation, thereby reducing paper usage in healthcare facilities.