GHU Paris Psychiatry & neurosciences Chooses hospital manager

GHU Paris Psychiatry & Neurosciences, the leading hospital in France for mental illness and diseases of the nervous system, has chosen Hospital Manager, the Electronic Patient Records system from Softway Medical, as part of its IT upgrade plans. The contract was signed in December 2023.. Press release, May 2024 Hospital Manager is currently the most… Read more

Martinique GHT chooses HOPITAL MANAGER patient records

Press release, June 2023 Softway Medical and the Martinique GHT (Groupement Hospitalier de Territoire, a consortium of hospital facilities) announced that they signed an agreement on 15 February 2023, to install the Hospital Manager electronic patient record (EPR) system in the nine healthcare facilities in the region, covering approximately 1,500 beds. “Thanks to its broad… Read more