Softway Medical Group Employees are Happy At Work
Softway Medical Group employees are Happy at Work

In a context where employees seek purpose in their work, 80.1% of Softway Medical Group employees feel useful, which is 5 points higher than the market average. This satisfaction reflects the mission of the Softway Medical Group: to inspire e-health, facilitating the digital transformation of healthcare to improve patient lives and support the efficiency of… Read more

Softway Medical’s international strategy

As reported by Le Journal des Entreprises, “Spring 2024 saw Aix-based Softway Medical Group take a major step forward.” Softway Medical, a major player in e-health, has indeed moved up a level by completing the acquisition of the Belgian company SBIM. The deal marks a turning point in the story of Softway Medical, representing its… Read more


SOVEREIGN CLOUD: A MAJOR COMPONENT OF SOFTWAY MEDICAL’S OFFERING FOR OVER 10 YEARS New patient behaviours and practices are accelerating the digital transformation that healthcare institutions have been experiencing for several decades. Digitalisation of patient records is just one step in a more global process where integration, hosting services, and outsourcing are real issues that… Read more