Press releases
28 June 2023

Martinique GHT chooses HOPITAL MANAGER patient records

Press release, June 2023

“Thanks to its broad functional coverage, Hospital Manager quickly emerged as a fitting response to our medical needs. The commitment of the Softway Medical teams and their proven ability to support their clients did the rest,” says Rodrigue Alexander, IT Director of the main Martinique hospital, who is orchestrating the project in conjunction with teams from the other facilities.

“Hospital Manager replaces the use of a multitude of software programs that did not cover all the functional needs of healthcare professionals in the region. As a unified solution, it will provide complete management of the patient pathway, and improve how data is transmitted between the different facilities on the island.”

Deployment is scheduled to take place over 24 months and will involve around 15 people. Once completed, patients treated at one of the Martinique GHT facilities will benefit from smoother care and will avoid duplicate examinations from one facility to another. Their medical records will be updated simultaneously and securely throughout the region.

For healthcare professionals, full computerisation of patient records across Martinique will improve coordination between teams and deliver better informed decision-making.

Softway Medical continues its growth

In securing this new contract, Softway Medical sees its technological and methodological choices acclaimed once again. It also confirms its deployment capabilities: twice as fast as other market players.