22 March 2024


New patient behaviours and practices are accelerating the digital transformation that healthcare institutions have been experiencing for several decades.

Digitalisation of patient records is just one step in a more global process where integration, hosting services, and outsourcing are real issues that need to be addressed.

“One feature of Softway Medical is that it hosts its own solutions in France,” says Annick Pigot, Deputy DSIO of GHICL.

Indeed, holding France’s Digital hospital quality and Health data hosting certifications, Softway Medical is a publisher, integrator, and health data hosting provider that opted for the sovereign cloud without intermediaries in 2011.

Damien Billard, Deputy General Manager for Finance at LNA Santé, finds this positioning of benefit to healthcare institutions: t

“This original positioning in the software industry not only as a publisher, but also an integrator and hosting provider, is beneficial to us. it offers our partnership security through end-to-end control of application solutions.”

The patient-user-citizen is increasingly playing an active role in their own health. The emergence of new uses such as patient portals, primary care portals, widespread outpatient care, home care, remote medical services, the IoT and so on is changing the scope of use of hospital information systems.

We are now talking about an extended hospital with an infinite number of users and connections.

Encouraged by the government, the cloud meets, among other things, the needs generated by these new uses

In September last year, the Minister Delegate for Digital Transition and Telecommunications explained how

“The Cloud is an essential driver of innovation and growth that supports the digital transformation of our businesses and government departments.”

It is a hosting method that guarantees maximum performance thanks to its high availability.

It allows healthcare institutions to access the IT resources they need in real time, thus avoiding additional costs such as maintenance, the purchase of hardware or employing an IT technician.

According to a study by AWS, migrating to the cloud could save healthcare institutions more than €5,000 per hospital bed, enabling further control over costs allowing them to reduce infrastructure costs in particular, with an average ROI of 15 months for the institutions examined.

The French Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Culture define the sovereign cloud as a deployment model in which the hosting and all processing of data by a cloud service are physically carried out within the borders of France, by a French legal entity and following French laws and standards.

Software publisher, integrator and hosting provider: Softway Medical, the strategic partner for healthcare providers.

Softway Medical hosts its own applications and delivers a dedicated, turnkey SaaS service, without intermediaries, to the doors of healthcare institutions, along with service commitments.

With a team of 50 experts, administrators and architects dedicated to hosting, Softway Medical has been investing in hosting and outsourcing services for over 10 years.

IS and health data are essential elements in the care pathway. Access to them must obviously be secure, but also guaranteed 24/7.

Softway Medical provides a turnkey solution including software, versioning and operations.

“The hosted infrastructure allows the institution to focus on the medical aspects of the hospital manager application, with a 24/7 operational service, without any restrictions in terms of technical resources (ram, disks, processors, etc.) or third-party licenses and with a performance measurement commitment up to user workstations,” explains Ludovic Largeron, Commercial Director of Infrastructures at Softway Medical.

The ANS specifies: “France’s Health data hosting certification is intended to strengthen the protection of personal health data and to build a trusted environment around e-health and patient monitoring.”

With this certification, Softway Medical ensures:

  • the provision and maintenance in operational condition of the physical sites used to host the hardware infrastructure of the information system used for processing health data,
  • the provision and maintenance in operational condition of the hardware infrastructure of the information system used for processing health data,
  • the provision and maintenance in operational condition of the application hosting platform of the information system,

the provision and maintenance in operational condition of the virtual infrastructure of the information system used for processing health data,