Our strategy

Pragmatic innovation and inspiring e-health

“In a world facing many challenges, technology will not provide all the answers, but it will have a role to play. The French healthcare system still needs a revolution, as do European systems more broadly. Governmental authorities have a key role, and we will be by their side to support them. Today, we are ready to conquer new markets while improving our financial performance and continuing to innovate.”

Patrice TAISSON,
President of Softway Medical Group.

Softway Medical Group follows a unique business model, acting simultaneously as a developer, integrator, and hosting provider for health data. In 2023, its electronic patient record system, Hospital Manager, was named Best in KLAS by the KLAS Research Institute, the ultimate recognition in terms of customer satisfaction.

Regional Hospital Groups (GHT)
healthcare institutions
imaging centres

Solid financial performance: sustaining organic growth

“Our expansion strategy prioritises the internationalisation of our existing solutions over acquiring competing products. While this approach may take longer, it allows us to achieve economies of scale by using a single platform across all markets.

With an average annual growth rate of 20%, our priority has always been a strategy of organic growth. In 2023, our turnover was €112 million.

Our objective for 2024 is to reach €140 million, including an element of external growth that will boost our revenue.”

Guillaume PASCAL,
CEO of Softway Medical Group.

International growth: expanding beyond France

“We are progressing at our own pace. Our priority remains operational excellence: we are moving forward cautiously to ensure our projects meet with success.”

Marketing and Communication Director of Softway Medical Group.

As the sixth largest Electronic Patient Record provider worldwide, based solely on our performance in France, we are well-positioned for international expansion. Our technological expertise and high-quality solutions are valuable assets in this endeavour.

Our first European deal, the acquisition of SBIM, has given us an 80% market share in French-speaking Belgium in patient administrative management solutions. This strong foothold serves as a springboard for our expansion plan, targeting countries such as Benelux and Germany.

Pragmatic innovation: meeting real market needs

“Beyond the territorial growth of our markets, there is still much to explore in terms of technology.”

Sherley BROTHIER, CTO of Softway Medical Group.

We are known for making astute technological choices. We have successfully anticipated structural shifts in digital healthcare by quickly adopting web technologies and establishing the concept of sovereign cloud solutions. We have always taken the time to confirm that our tools meet the market’s actual needs. This is pragmatic innovation. An innovation must be able to fit into users’ routines.

We can now continue to improve our service offerings with even greater ease, as our technical and technological foundations already meet the highest market standards. Our goal is to become a key player in the implementation of the 6Ps of medicine.

Through our technological choices and pragmatism, Softway Medical Group is contributing to the evolution of healthcare practices. Our aspiration is to assist healthcare professionals in their day-to-day work, ultimately benefiting patients.


Infirmière à la maternité qui ausculte un bébé

Empowering patients

We are building digital solutions that enable patients to become active participants in their own healthcare journeys, fostering greater control and engagement in their care.
Infirmier faisant une échographie à une femme enceinte

Preventive medicine

Our solutions aim to promote preventive healthcare by providing people with custom guidance on healthy lifestyle choices, and by reinforcing early detection measures. By empowering individuals to prioritise their own well-being, we are striving to contribute to longer, healthier lives.
Chirurgien penché sur un patient au bloc opératioir, portant des lunettes grossissantes

Predictive medicine

We are leveraging data-driven insights to develop solutions that can predict an individual’s risk of developing specific diseases. By analysing biological, medical, and environmental data, we can anticipate potential health issues and provide more targeted and effective treatments.
Deux professionnels de santé observant des résultats sur un ordinateur

Greater precision & evidence-based medicine

By harnessing the power of imaging and biological samples, we can develop technologies that offer a deeper understanding of diseases and facilitate more personalised treatment plans.